Symposium Health Equity and Financial Protection in Asia

Yogyakarta, 2-4 Oktober 2013

pembukaanPembukaan Symposium Health Equity and Financial Protection in Asia


Dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun terakhir, para peneliti dari 6 negara Asia dan 4 negara eropa telah melakukan kerjasama dalam suatu kegiatan penelitian tentang Ekuitas Kesehatan dan Proteksi Keuangan di Asia Health Equity and Financial Protection in Asia (HEFPA). Penelitian ini didanai dari konsorsium Kerangka Program ke-7 Negara-negara Uni Eropa yang diketuai oleh Owen O’Donnell dan Adam Wagstaff. Hasil akhir penelitian ini sudah mencapai akhir dan dipresentasikan dan didiskusikan dalam sebuah lokakarya. Beberapa hasil keluaran dari kegiatan ini tersedia dalam bentuk lembar hasil kegiatan (working paper) dan publikasi internasional yang berisi tentang detail hasil kegiatan dari masing masing lembaga internasional yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Studi ini melingkupi beberapa aspek intervensi yang telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk melindungi masyarakat akibat gangguan kesehatan. Skala evaluasi kegiatannya mencakup kegiatan berskala nasional (skala besar), seperti program UHC di Thailand, NCMS di China, Dampak Jamkesmas dan Askeskin di Indonesia, serta melihat aspek kecil pengaruh dari asuransi untuk pekerja informal di Kamboja, Vietnam dan Filipina.

Lokakarya ini diadakan oleh SMERU Research Institut, dimana SMERU merupakan partner dalam studi ini. Simposium ini diadakan selama tiga hari dengan lima tema yang diangkat yaitu: 1) Dampak cakupan terhadap akses, 2) Pencapaian cakupan, 3) Perlindungan keuangan terhadap resiko kesehatan, 4)Insentif untuk Penyedia Pelayanan Kesehatan, 5) Equitypada akses.

Hasil studi akan menghasilkan policy brief dan paper untuk mendorong atau memberi masukan kebijakan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan yang sudah ada disetiap negera peserta. Lokakarya ini juga mengundang ahli-ahli kebijakan untuk mengikuti dan melihat hasil studi terkait kebijakan dan isu-isu kesehatan yang sedang berkembang di negara peserta.

Lokakarya ini digelar untuk penyampaian hasil studi di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 2-4 Oktober 2013. PKMK FK UGM berkesempatan mengikuti kegiatan simposium ini secara langsung dan akan melaporkan setiap agenda acara dalam simposium tersebut. Untuk membaca hasil dari simposium ini silakan klik reportase masing-masing sesi dibawah ini:

Rabu, 2 Oktober 2013

reportaseImpact of a premium subsidy on informal sector health insurance erollment: Evidence from a rondomized experiment in Vietnam

Adam Wagstaff, World Bank

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reportaseSqeezing the Middle: A randomized experiment to promote voluntary enrollment in a social health insurance program

Joseph Capuno, UPEcon

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reportaseDo insurance subsidies nad information improve willingness to pay for health insurance?Evidence from the Philipines
Stella Luz Quimbo, UPEcon

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reportaseExpanding coverage of government sponsored health insurance: Two tales from India
Sofi Bergkvist, Access Health International

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reportaseExpanding coverage trough community based health insurance schemes in rural India.
Ellen Van de Poel, Erasmus University  Rotterdam

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reportase How (Not) to extend coverage

Rob Yates, WHO

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reportaseUniversal coverage on a budget: Impact on health care utilization and out of pocket expenditures in Thailand
Supon Limwattananon

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reportaseSocial helath insurance for the poor: Targetting and impact of Indonesia’s Askeskin program
Asep Suryahadi, SMERUn

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reportaseEffect of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme coverage on access to care and financial protection in China
Hou Zhiyuan, Shandong University

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reportaseCoverage and Access of Heterogeneous Populations
Peter Annear, Nossal University of Melbourne

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reportaseJLN  experience with health coverage extention
Annete Martin, R4D and Joint Learning Network


reportaseImpact of coverage extension-Lesson from HEFPA and key issues emerging
Eddy van Doorslaer, EUR


reportaseWhat Is key extending coverage and ensuring its impact on access and financial protection?
Joe Kutzin, WHO


reportase Extension of coverage and ensuring its impact on access and financial protection: Perspective fro Thailand Phusit Prakongsai, M.D, PhD

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Kamis, 3 Oktober 2013

reportaseRealigning demand and suppley side incentives to improve primary health care seeking in rural China

Winnie Yip, Oxford University

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reportaseFinancial Protection of patient through compensation of providers the impact of Health Equity Funds (HEF) in Cambodia

Gabriela Flores, Univ of Lausanne and Erasmus University

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reportaseEffects of HEF extension to health centers in Cambodia evidence from an experiment

Bruno Meesen, Institue for Tropical Medicine, Antwerp

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reportaseVouchers deliver. The impact of subsidies on the utilization of maternal health care in Cambodia

Por Ir, School of Public Health, Phnom Penh

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reportaseDo incentives to midwives raise facility deliveries in Cambodia?

Catherine Korachais, ITM Antwerp

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reportase Effect of local health care financing reforms in Indonesia

Robert Sparrow, ANU, Canberra

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reportaseDoes P4P improve the healthcare quality: experimental evidence from China

Winnie Yip & Xiaojie Sun, Oxford University & Shandong University

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reportaseSetting the incentives right-impact of hospital capitation payment in Vietnam

Ha Nguyen, World Bank

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reportaseImpact of performance based financing on maternal and child health care: evidence from multiple programs in Cambodia

Owen O’Donnel, UoM and EUR

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reportaseSesi Diskusi
What provider incentive work? lesson from HEFPA and key issues emerging Winnie Yip
What is the role of provider incentives in making coverage effective?



Research for Universal Health Coverage

Joseph Kutzin WHO

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Jumat, 4 Oktober 2013

reportaseCoping with the economic consequences of ill health in Indonesia

Robert Sparrow, ANU

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reportasePatterns of consumption adjustments and coping strategies for those with multiple health shocks overtime

Aleli kraft, UPEcon

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reportaseCatastrophic medical expenditure risk

Gabriela Flores, University of Lausanne

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reportaseWhat is finacial protection and how should it be measured?-Lesson from HEFPA and key issues emerging

Owen O’Donnel, UoM and EUR


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